Cardiac CT

Using a test that visualises the heart anatomy, and coronary circulation.

What is a Cardiac CT?

CT or Computed Tomography is a highly concentrated form of X rays. These can be delivered in several directions very quickly and provide a higher quality picture than plain X rays alone.


It helps doctors assess the structure and function of the heart, detect coronary artery disease (CAD), and identify other potential heart-related problems.

A typical CT image that would be obtained of your heart

Hear Elizabeth’s story and how a Cardiac CT scan with Dr. Banypersad helped her:

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Play Video about Elizabeth's CT Scan Story@2x

Who would benefit from a Cardiac CT?

Any adult patient:

  • Any patient with chest pain or breathlessness
  • Patients who have had bypass surgery

Who may not be suitable, and are there any disadvantages?

This is not an exhaustive list:

  • Irregular heart rhythms may yield an indeterminate scan result
  • Imaging in patients with renal function eGFR < 30ml/min is generally best avoided
  • CT coronary angiograms are best avoided in patients with significant asthma because of the need to administer intravenous β-blocker medication (IV Metoprolol).

NB: Patients taking regular prescribed β-blocker medication are fine.

Find out more about Cardiac CT scans

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What does a Cardiac CT involve?

You will lie on a bed which moves into a donut-shaped machine which is the CT scanner. Before moving into the scanner, a cannula will be inserted into your vein and ECG electrodes attached to your chest. Some intravenous beta-blocker medication (called Metoprolol – this slows the heart rate by a few beats per minute in order to improve picture quality) will be administered through the cannula and 1-2 nitrate tablets to suck under your tongue (called GTN or glyceryl trinitrate – this widens the coronary arteries to improve visualisation of any cholesterol inside them).


The bed then moves into the CT scanner, you will receive some breathing instructions and the dye substance is then injected through the cannula. The pictures of the heart are taken within a few seconds of this (taking the pictures itself takes only a few seconds) and the scan is complete.

How long does a Cardiac CT take?

It is very quick. The scan is only a few seconds in duration. In reality, more time is taken in the preparation for the scan.

What happens after my CT scan?

You will be observed for 10-15 mins after the scan to ensure heart rate and blood pressure remain stable and then you can go home. There are no other restrictions after the scan.


Is a Cardiac CT scan safe?

Yes. Adverse reactions to the dye substance are rare. Cardiac CT scans do involve radiation but the radiation dose is 5-6 times smaller than for CT scans of other body parts e.g. head or abdomen. Patients with severe kidney disease or severe asthma should seek clarification first.

Make an appointment today

Whether you are privately insured or self-funding, Dr. Banypersad is here to help.


For costings and to make an appointment, head to our appointments page below.

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Are you insured?

Dr Banypersad is an authorised provider for all the major insurance companies.

The whole experience was good from the start. My preparation for the scan was good, well explained. Dr Sanjay Banypersad has put me at ease and explained everything clearly.

Very efficient service

Very clear explanations for process provided. Made me feel at ease.

Why choose Dr. Banypersad for your Cardiac CT?

Dr Banypersad is a highly experienced and nationally respected cardiologist since 2015. Working in both the public and private sectors, Dr Banypersad is one of the leading cardiologist in advanced imaging.


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